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The Users menu item is displayed if you are authorized to manage user codes on your system. Learn how to add, edit, and delete a user code by completing the steps in each of the following sections.

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Add a User

When adding a user, you can either create a standard code or credential user, or you can create a mobile credential user.

Code or Credential Type

For more information about user authority levels, refer to Authority Level Reference. For more information about profiles, refer to Profiles.

  1. Go to Users.

  2. Select the Add icon.

  3. In Personal Information, enter the user’s first and last name.

  4. Depending on system type, specify the user’s authority level or select profiles for the user.

  5. In User Codes & Credentials, choose a Type.

  6. For a code, enter a 4-digit user code that the user must enter to arm or disarm the system.

  7. For a credential, enter the card’s internal number and configure additional options as needed.

    • Internal Number—The number stored inside a card that is transmitted to a reader when it’s scanned. The internal number contains data programmed into the card by the manufacturer; It is used to determine access.

    • External Number—The number that is printed on the outside of the card. The external number is used to keep track of who the card is assigned to; It doesn’t determine access.

  8. Verify that Active is turned on.

  9. To allow the user to access the system in the Virtual Keypad mobile app, enter their email or an existing user login.

  10. Select Save.

When you add a new user to your system, you can also choose to add the user to the Virtual Keypad app. This feature is available for Android and iPhone users. When you create a new app user, select Create a New Login. You will be prompted to enter a new email address to associate with the new app user. Once the app user has been created, their email will show up on the user screen.

Mobile Credential Type

To create a mobile credential user, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Users.

  2. Select the Add icon.

  3. Enter the user’s name and contact information.

  4. Assign the user an authority level or select profiles.

  5. Go to User Codes and Credentials.

  6. In Type, select Mobile.

  7. In Virtual Keypad App Access, add the user’s email address.

  8. To restrict the user so they can only use Virtual Keypad for Mobile Credentials, turn on Mobile Credential Only.

  9. Select Save.


  • Personal Information: The user’s name and contact information. First Name is required.

  • Number: A number that identifies a user to the system and central station. This number is automatically assigned to each user.

  • Type: The type of user code: Code, Credential, or Mobile.

  • Code: The 4-digit user code that a user enters into the keypad or app when disarming their system.

  • Credential: A card or prox device that a user presents to a credential reader to gain access to a specific area.

  • Internal Number (credential only): The number stored inside a card that is transmitted to a reader when it’s scanned. The internal number contains the bits of data programmed into the card by the manufacturer and is used to determine access.

  • External Number (credential only): The number that is printed on the outside of the card. The external number is different from the internal number and is used for keeping track of the cards that are assigned to specific users. It doesn’t determine access.

  • Mobile: A mobile credential that is scanned by a Bluetooth reader.

  • Profiles or Authority Level: Option name depends on system type. Determines the options that the user has permission to access, as well as the expiration for those permissions.

  • Send User Codes to Locks: This feature allows a master user to send user codes 2-20 to the automated (Z-Wave) locks associated with the system.

  • Active and Inactive: Determines if the user is active in the system. If the user is inactive, their user code and credentials won’t work.

Edit a User

  1. Go to Users.

  2. Select the user that you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes, then select Save.

Delete a User

  1. Go to Users.

  2. Select the user that you want to delete.

  3. Select Delete.

  4. A dialog pops up to confirm your decision. To delete the user, select Confirm.

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