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System Overview

The System Overview dashboard is the main page for Virtual Keypad. From this page, you can quickly arm or disarm your system, lock or unlock doors, activate favorites, use Z-Wave devices like lights, and view system history.

To access System Overview from the menu, select your system’s name.

To reorder items on the page, select the Edit icon. Drag and drop each item in the desired location, then select Save.

Prefer a video?

In this clip, we’ll show you what you can do on the System Overview page on


Depending on your system and the options selected during installation, the menu enables you to access the following categories:

System Name (System Overview page)
This is the main page for Virtual Keypad. Quickly arm or disarm your system, lock or unlock doors, activate favorites, use Z-Wave devices like lights, and view system history.

Access video devices, configure cameras or video doorbells, and manage clips.

View your system history and search for specific events or dates.

Activate favorites. You can also add, edit, or delete favorites on this page.

Lock or unlock doors. You can also add, edit, or delete doors on this page.

Set Z-Wave thermostats. You can also add, edit, or delete thermostats on this page.

Turn Z-Wave lights on, off, or dim them. You can also add, edit, or delete lights on this page.

Add, edit, or delete schedules that automate actions like arming or disarming your system, activating favorites, or toggling outputs at a specific time. For example, automatically arm your system at 9:00 AM every day.

View system actions or create custom actions that automate the activation of favorites. For example, when the perimeter is armed, lock all doors.

View, add, edit, and delete user codes for your system.

Profiles (XR150/XR550 systems only)
View, add, edit, or delete profiles for commercial systems. For example, create an opening profile that allows an employee to disarm a system and unlock all doors except the manager’s office.

Generate system reports. For example, generate a report to view all system troubles during the past month.

Configure your Virtual Keypad settings, such as your name and password. You can also configure general system settings on this page.

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