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Custom Notifications

Custom notifications make it possible for your personnel to receive important notifications on their device without requiring access to the Virtual Keypad website or app.

Virtual Keypad users can create custom notifications and choose whether they are sent in a push notification, text message, or email. For example, a user can create a notification so Virtual Keypad sends their IT manager a text message when the network room door is opened.

Create a custom notification by completing the following steps:

  1. Go to Notifications. Select the Add icon.

  2. In Category, select one of the following event types:

    • Alarms

    • Arming/Disarming

    • Custom Actions

    • Door Access

    • Door Status

    • Lockdown

    • Sensor Activity

    • Troubles

  3. Select event type options as needed, such as Event, Areas, Doors, Zones, or Users.

  4. To restrict when users receive notifications, go to Schedules and select start and end times to restrict when users receive notifications.

  5. In Recipients, select the Add icon.

  6. The Personnel window opens. To create personnel, select the Add icon. To edit existing personnel, select the Edit icon next to the person’s name.

  7. Make your changes, then select Save.

  8. Select people to receive the notification, then select Done.

  9. Next to each recipient, select any applicable notification types: Push, Text, or Email.

  10. Select Save.

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