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Arming, Disarming, and Zone Status

Learn how to arm or disarm your system, check zone status, and handle faulted zones by completing the following steps.

Arm or Disarm Your System

Your system operates in one of three ways: All/Perimeter, Home/Sleep/Away, or Area. To arm or disarm your system, select the appropriate option:

All/Perimeter Systems


Arms/disarms both the perimeter and the interior of your home. Use this when you are leaving the house and no one will remain inside.


Arms/disarms just the perimeter of your home. Use this when you are staying home but would like to arm your exterior doors and windows.

Home/Sleep/Away or Home/Away Systems


Arms/disarms the perimeter of your home. Use this when you are staying home but would like to arm your exterior doors and windows.


Arms/disarms the perimeter of your home as well as a portion of the interior. Bedrooms and nighttime parts of your home are left unarmed, allowing you access to parts of your home during the night. Other areas of the house that are not used at night are armed.


Arms/disarms the perimeter, interior, and bedrooms. Use this when you are leaving the house and no one will remain inside.

Area Systems


Select the Shield icon next to your programmed zones to arm or disarm those zones. You can also choose to arm or disarm your entire system by selecting Arm All or Disarm All.

Check Zone Status

To check the status of a zone, select Zone Status in the upper right corner of the Arming section. All the zones programmed on that system display with Faulted Zones listed first, followed by OK Zones.

An icon is displayed in each zone’s row under the Status column:

  • A green check mark means the zone is normal.

  • A yellow caution triangle with an exclamation point in it means the zone is faulted.

  • An orange circle with a forward slash through the middle means the zone is bypassed.

  • A red circle with an “X” in the middle means the zone is missing.

To bypass a zone, switch on Bypass in the row of that zone and select Close. To return the zone to normal, switch off Bypass and select Close.

Note: Fire, Panic, Emergency, Supervisory, and 24-Hour zones cannot be bypassed.

Manage Faulted Zones

When arming your system, some zones may not be in a normal condition. For instance, a window has been left open or a door is not fully closed. A list of Faulted Zones is displayed in Zone Status. Depending on system configuration, you can choose how the system handles the faulted zones from the following options:

  • Okay—The faulted zones will be armed when they return to normal, such as the door is shut properly or the window is closed.

  • Bypass—The zones will be ignored even if they become normal while the system is armed. If the zones return to normal, they will be included the next time the system is armed.

  • Cancel—Arming is cancelled and the system remains disarmed.

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